Well Connected’s 2022 Highlights

Plymouth Integrative Health and Social Care Education Centre (PIHC)

We were proud to have been invited by PIHC at University of Plymouth to work together in 2022-23 as they explore new approaches to deliver teaching and learning sessions with health professionals of the future studying in the Faculty of Health.

Experts by Experience

We were delighted to have created the Experts by Experience group, working in partnership with people both locally and nationally with various clinical conditions. Their understanding and knowledge of their own conditions makes them the perfect expert to share their own experiences with health professionals and to inspire and better inform the needs of real people in real places.

Dental Programme

We were thrilled to be invited by University of Plymouth Peninsula Dental School to deliver a range of workshops with over 250 dental students across the academic year 2022-23, including working with a range of students on resilience, the importance of teamwork and collaboration and exploring a range of health conditions with our experts.

Supervised Toothbrushing Programme

Now in it's 4th year, working alongside PDSE and NHS England to establish regular toothbrushing in early years settings across Devon. We are proud to that over 200 schools and nurseries across the county are participating, helping over 6,000 children to brush effectively and have a healthy and happy smile.

Social Engagement Pathway

Now in its 5th year, we are working alongside University of Plymouth Peninsula Medical School, partnering with 200 medical students and 16 community organisations across Plymouth to deliver health-related projects and bringing the social determinants of health to life.

Dental Ambassadors

We were delighted to again work with Lifeworks College and their students to deliver our award-winning programme designed for adults and young people with learning disabilities encouraging them to learn more about their own dental wellbeing and encourage them to share with their peers.

Public Patient Involvement

We are delighted to have provided the Public and Patient Involvement input for a couple of research projects this year. Our authentic approaches help us to engage with many people with a range of lived experiences.


We relaunched our website and social media presence which has led to more visitors and followers. The website is fresher, simpler and more dynamic, with lots of plans for the year ahead. Our social media output has seen more regular posts, with lots of information on health and wellbeing and community projects, and this year we also launched our LinkedIn page.

Our Friends

We are privileged to work with an amazing group of organisations, community groups, charities and individuals - and our connections continue to grow - we would like to thank them all for their wonderful support in 2022, and look forward to working together in 2023!

The Team

Last, but by no means least, the Well Connected team has grown and flourished in 2022. We all work remotely, but get together regularly as a team for our Connecting Day's. The team work brilliantly together and are excited to see what 2023 holds!



All things smiles - why is smiling good for us?


It’s The Season Of Giving - Donations with Well Connected