All things smiles - why is smiling good for us?

Having a healthy smile is important and here at Well Connected we are really proud of the work we do which helps people to have a smile they are proud of. After all, a smile is the universal sign of happiness, it spans all cultures and is infectious, if you smile at someone, the chances are they will smile back. Go on, try it!!

Smiling and having a good old laugh with those around you can really brighten the dullest of days. When was the last time you laughed? Really laughed? Side splitting, tear inducing laughter?

As we head towards National Smile Month (15th May - 15th June) we thought we would share 7 fun facts about smiles:

1. Smiling releases endorphins which help to relieve stress. So if you are feeling worried or anxious, a cheerful, happy smile can make all the difference.

2. Smiling helps you relax and boosts your immune system.

3. Women smile more than men, now can that really be true?!

4. Very young babies will smile in their sleep and they can smile back from being only a few weeks old. Smiling and talking to babies and young children really does impact on their development.

5. A dog smiles by wagging its tail. How many waggy tailed dogs do you know?

6. There are 19 types of smiles which reflect a whole range of emotions. Can you recognise a fake smile? You know the kind that don’t quite reach the eyes. And what about the being in love smile…..!

7. Smiling also helps you to appear more intelligent to others. People were asked to look at photos of different people, those with smiley faces were deemed cleverer than those who didn’t smile as much.

As the Dalai Lama says “A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.”

So, share a smile with someone today, it may mean more to them than you will ever know!




CAIPE Forum at the University of Plymouth


Well Connected’s 2022 Highlights