Ready, Steady, Go! It’s the Kindness Countdown

We hear a lot about kindness, those random acts of kindness we are all encouraged to undertake. But what does kindness really mean, to you, to me?

The dictionary definition of kindness is: ‘the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate’.

All amazing attributes of course, but in everyday life what is ‘being kind’.

Wikipedia states that kindness is: ‘a type of behaviour marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward.’

Again, interesting and brilliant qualities to possess. But what is kindness?

So, here is my ‘kindness countdown’!

5. Be kind to yourself: be your own best friend. Cut yourself the same amount of slack as you would for other people, take time for yourself, and remember it’s ok to say ‘no’ sometimes!

4. Listen to understand, without passing comment or judgement demonstrates a real considered level of kindness.

3. Sharing a smile, with a friend or stranger could have a far bigger impact than we ever realise. Smile today, now!

2. Friends and kindness go hand in hand for me. I have many friends who are so kind to me, they are the people who I turn to in good times and bad. I love this quote from a brilliant book by Penelope Lively:Friendship is the love ignored’. Look after your friends, tell them how much they mean to you.

1. Kindness is a strength, although some people may see it as a weakness. They are wrong!

Kindness doesn’t need to cost money, it’s the simple, the easy things which we can all do every day, starting now!

  •       Saying hello to stranger.

  •       Holding the door open for someone.

  •       Taking time to listen to a friend, family member, work colleague.

  •       Noticing if someone seems quiet, withdrawn or sad, and asking if they are ok.

  •       Sharing a text just to say ‘hello, been thinking about you today’.

Kindness is a gift we can all share, every day, starting now!

Wendy Smith MBE

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