Peninsula Dental School

Connecting, Collaborating and Caring Workshop

A workshop delivered to 3rd year Dental students to encourage them to consider how external influences impact on ambition and aspiration, whilst recognising the value of active listening.

A workshop for 3rd year Dental students to help them recognise the value of active listening, consider how external influences impact on ambition and aspiration and to consider how dental clinicians can work effectively with other health professionals.

We created a session which comprised a variety of activities and learning experiences which encouraged students to explore the importance of inter professional working and the impact on person centred care. They heard from a guest speaker, took part in fun and enjoyable activities and roundtable discussions.

We introduced students to Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Theory, which identifies personal purpose and ‘why’. This was a useful way for them to reflect on the reason they are pursuing a career in dentistry, and to identify the people and circumstances which influence decisions and choices.

Students each received a ‘Why?’ themed bookmark and Well Connected pen to remind and encourage them to continue to refine and identify their ‘why’.

Take a look at the video below which shows the highlights of this engaging workshop!

 “This has been very inspiring and allowed me to think about why I am here doing dentistry. Thank you.”

Dental Student, University of Plymouth

“Thank you for developing and creating this workshop for our students. The interactivity was brilliant, the students really enjoyed taking part in all the activities and exploring their ‘why’ in such an interesting and engaging way.”

Dr Safiya Robinson, The Peninsula Dental School Inter-Professional Lead

If you need us to deliver a workshop for you we’d love to chat.